joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Music Cocktail #5 Monster Flavoured

Poate că e în trend sau poate că a fost, poate că lumea se simte des ca un monstru sau poate le place să exagereze, cert este că am dat de-a lungul timpului peste mai multe melodii cu acest titlu, genuri şi artisti total diferiţi.

1.Disturbed - Monster
"You made a monster of me
Through all your wicked lies
Forever tortured by you
Abandoned at death's door
Until I said no more!"

2.Brokencyde - Monster inside me
"There's a monster inside me
And everywhere I go there's fucking monsters beside me"

3.Skillet - Monster
"I feel it deep within
Just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster!

I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster!"

4.The Almost - Monster
"If I were a monster,
Would you wince
When you looked at me?
If I were a freak, would you stare?
If I were a leper,
Would you say unclean?
If I was lost.
Would you help me get free?"

5.Professor Green feat. Example - Monster Remix
"I'll give you everything you'll ever need
And I'll find a way to turn you into a monster
Me and you, we could rule the world
'Cos no-one's gonna mess with me
I'm a monster"

Care e preferata ta?

Monsterize yourself,

Un comentariu:

Despina spunea...

Skillet - 'Monster' e preferata mea. Ador trupa si ador piesa.